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Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL Citus Team US to the rescue..

Stanley Broo

1 maj 2023

Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB PostgreSQL Citus Team US supporting GE4 cloud native SaaS

Things just got even better. Not only do we have support from MS FastTrack, but we now also received support from the Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB PostgreSQL Citus Team US. It's an exciting week with full focus on modeling the new database. All models in the EF Core library are using EF Power Tools for the DbContext. We have a lot of ideas around securing the sensitive GDPR data, which will be encrypted with PgCrypto. Additionally, we are considering adding another layer where the municipality can bring in their own KeyVault key for encrypting data in the backend before it's saved to the database. GDPR archiving/deletion of 'sensitive data tables' for closed cases will be solved by time-based partitions and pgCron for scheduled jobs, ..upon approval by authorized users. We still have a lot of ideas around the new design and relational data so that the end-user, lead, and manager can analyze and follow up on completed work tasks and activities. Composite PKs in the tables will include municipal Azure AD tenantid for easy sharding/distributed tables in Cosmo db PostgreSQL to ensure zero data leakage and data integrity. This, together with tightened down db roles for each API/table and claim-based authorization in the authenticated container apps environment, is just a great start. ManagedIdentity is on its way for Citus, which will also tighten things down for the enterprise app in Azure and the microservice net core APIs in the backend.

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